ニュース: News:
2016.5.28 ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ2016

2016.5.28 15th International Architectural Exhibition 2016 Venice Biennale


作品: House on backyard
出展者: Satoshi Matsuoka & Yuki Tamura / MATSUOKASATOSHITAMURAYUKI
会場: Palazzo Bembo (パラッツォベンボ)
Riva del Carbon, 4793-4785, 30124 Venezia, Italy
会期: 2016年 5月28日 ~ 11月27日 (プレビュー 5月26日、27日) 10:00~18:00 (火曜休館)
写真: 大竹央祜
キュレーション/映像: 西尾圭悟
会場構成/コーディネート: Louie Hamilton
現地コーディネート: 筒井美矢子|西村清佳
協力: 出口亮
設営協力: 吉川青|浜辺里美
プロデュース: 遠藤秀平
スペシャル・アドバイス: 五十嵐太郎
主催: Global Art Affairs Foundation
企画: 一般財団法人 日本建築設計学会
特別協賛 : 積水ハウス株式会社
協賛: ETERNIT|梶岡建設|大光電気|テツヤ・ジャパン|中島工務店|ひらつか建築|名鑑
助成: 公益財団法人ユニオン造形文化財団

> http://www.adan.or.jp/biennale2016/
There and now: the Japanese Housing Scene
in "Time-Space-Existence" at Palazzo Bembo

In the context of the exhibition “Time, Space, Existence”, ADAN presents 10 recent housing projects from various cities across Japan, designed by architects at different stages of their careers.
The contemporary architecture of residential houses in Japan is often conceived of as being radical and unique from a Western perspective. Professional photos of brand-new houses flood magazines and the internet, yet there is little known about the context in which they are built. Entitled “There and Now: the Japanese housing scene”, this installation presents an Unseen Japan - through a series of videos combined with architectural models.
The models comes in three scales; the 1:20 models display the unique design of the house, while the 1:100 models capture the relationship of the house within its adjacent context. The 1:500 models illustrate the architecture in the fabric of the city, and establish the social background in which these houses are situated. The videos depict how life is actually lived in these homes, from a natural and neutral perspective. As if they are live-streamed, the videos capture snippets of day-to-day existence, and focus on the story of the house after it has left the architect's hands. Together they reveal the full measure of the impact the architecture has on its inhabitants and on the surrounding environment.
It is through this focus on everyday human life that we seek to engage the viewer, asking them to connect, compare and perhaps intuitively relate to a home that may be on the other side of the world. Through an awareness of a parallel and concurrent life, our own existence is illuminated in a specific space and time.

> http://www.adan.or.jp/biennale2016/